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A construction attorney deals with various real estate issues and many of them are experts in landlord-tenant laws. While most of the issues that you face are quite minor after all and hence do not require much seriousness of dealing. Sadly, not all of these cases are the same. So when is the best time to hire an attorney? Here below are some such situations.

  • You are facing eviction: landlord tenant lawyer in NYC will help you to understand your situation if the property owner is trying to evict you. Are they within their rights to do the same? If not, then what are your chances?
  • Proper procedure of court not followed: in case the property owner fails to follow the required guidelines and legal procedures when it comes to eviction. Cancelling utilities, lockouts, removing possessions, windows, or doors are illegal at best. You will be within your legal rights to proceed against such inhuman acts.
  • Facing landlord discrimination: in case you feel that the property owner has a discriminating behavior towards you it makes sense to contact your attorney without further ado. They will protect you from such illegal actions and even help with damage recovery through effective claims.
  • Absence of necessary repairs: it is important that your property owners take care of essential repair needs associated with the house. If they are not doing that, you can always take legal action.

Do not take any chances when it comes to consideration of your rights as the tenant. Hire the best litigation attorney around only at the website