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Landlord-Tenant Disputes and How to Get an Attorney’s Help

If you’re dealing with a landlord-tenant dispute, hiring the right lawyer is essential. That’s because these disputes are almost impossible to settle without the right representation. In order to find the right landlord tenant attorney for your case, it’s important to understand what tends to happen in these situations and plan accordingly. This short guide will give you a good sense of what you need to know about these types of cases and why picking the right lawyer is so important.

  1. Know the Types of Situations That Tend to Arise

While there are many situations that are possible in landlord-tenant business relationships, there are certain ones that are especially common. These are a few of the most common types of legal situations that involve a landlord-tenant relationship:

  • A landlord accused of failing to return a security deposit that they owe a tenant. These cases are typically handled in small claims court.
  • A landlord’s alleged failure to perform a repair.
  • Property damage claims filed by the landlord against a tenant. 
  1. Know How to Determine If a Lawyer Is Right for the Job

You need to ensure that the landlord tenant lawyer you choose has plenty of experience with cases similar to yours. Look for a law firm that offers a free consultation so that you can learn more about the firm’s work in this area of law. 

  1. Know How to Decide Whether to Pursue a Lawsuit

If you’re unsure whether to pursue a lawsuit, you’ll need to talk to a competent landlord tenant attorney about the issue. This is the only way to know for sure whether or not filing a lawsuit is in your best interests as a landlord or tenant.

If you’re dealing with a landlord-tenant dispute, reach out to an experienced and professional landlord tenant lawyer at our firm. Not only do we have extensive experience with these types of cases, along with excellent reviews, but we also offer affordable pricing. Get in touch with Warren S. Dank, Esq., P.C. today to resolve your landlord-tenant dispute.