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If your home is in foreclosure, you may not understand what your next move should be. Or, you might wonder if you need a lawyer to help you navigate the complexities of a foreclosure. There are several benefits associated with working with a foreclosure litigation attorney. 

Your Attorney Will Handle the Legal Aspects of Your Foreclosure

A foreclosure usually involves multiple court dates and negotiations with your mortgage company. Most individuals don’t have the time or knowledge to successfully handle the legal aspects of a foreclosure.

Fortunately, your lawyer can handle all your foreclosure paperwork, court documents, court dates, and meetings. 

An Attorney Will Help You Understand Your Options

Many homeowners don’t realize they have a few options for dealing with a home that’s in foreclosure. A lawyer will discuss their situation and concerns before suggesting the best course of action.

For example, if your home is in foreclosure due to high debt payments, your attorney might suggest filing for bankruptcy.

If your home is in foreclosure because of an extended illness, your lawyer may focus on negotiating a deal with your mortgage company to help you get caught up on your past-due balance. 

Perhaps you need to sell your home but want to preserve your equity. A lawyer will help you minimize fees and penalties that erode the equity that you have while helping you sell your home. 

Your Attorney Can Assist with Litigation

If you believe that your foreclosure isn’t valid, your attorney will argue your case on your behalf. 

Maybe your lender didn’t follow your state’s required foreclosure procedures or maybe they’re not willing to pause the foreclosure process while you apply for aid to help pay your loan balance. 

A lawyer will know what laws and regulations apply to your case and help you use them to your advantage. 

Get Help from an Experienced Foreclosure Attorney

Warren S. Dank, Esq. is dedicated to obtaining the best outcome for our clients. Contact us for a free consultation.