by WSDankAdmin | Aug 14, 2023 | Blog Page
Navigating Commercial Foreclosure with Multiple Liens Navigating the murky waters of commercial foreclosure can ensnare even the most seasoned business owners and investors. Businesses grappling with commercial foreclosure often find themselves entangled in a...
by WSDankAdmin | Aug 8, 2023 | Notable Decisions
Warren S. Dank, Esq., P.C. was granted a default judgment against a commercial borrower who defaulted and the Court appointed a Referee to compute amount due and owing the Lender. Golden Bridge Funding LLC
by WSDankAdmin | Jul 28, 2023 | Blog Page
Franchising can be a powerful growth strategy for businesses, but it is not without its pitfalls. Disputes between franchisors and franchisees are commonplace, often arising from miscommunications or discrepancies in franchise agreements. Thus, understanding...
by WSDankAdmin | Jul 14, 2023 | Blog Page
The process of navigating a lawsuit, whether on the prosecution or the defense side, poses a significant question to all parties involved – should we settle or proceed to trial? This article seeks to guide you through this complex decision-making process by...
by WSDankAdmin | Jun 28, 2023 | Blog Page
In the complex world of construction projects, each small detail can potentially spark a major dispute. When millions or even billions of dollars are at stake, like in commercial projects, every party involved has a vested interest in protecting their own position....